What are the benefits of prayer in Islam? Is Islam perfect and does it have a universal meaning to the world? The true meaning of Islam is as true to its followers as it is to us — here on Earth. There are some basic fundamentals of the faith that are universal and everlasting, such as: that there is one Allah, that there is only one supreme leader (the caliph), and that Islam is a religion that respects other religions, but it forbids pork and alcohol.
What are some other benefits of prayer? What are some traditions that Islam respects? How can you make the most out of your time by performing your prayers on praying mats at home, in school, or while working? Here are some ideas:
O Enables Meeting Others — The greatest benefit of prayer is the fact that it enables you to meet others more closely. When you are performing your prayers, you are not alone in your efforts. You will be joining hands with many others who are doing the same thing. This meeting of minds provides a sense of community spirit. It also provides an environment for learning and sharing. This is why you will find some schools that offer private classes in which students gather for one hour of prayer — each of them learning something and passing it on to others.
O Helps Build Your Spiritual Self — The true measure of a person’s spiritual strength comes from the depth of his understanding and belief in God. When you are doing your prayer, you are acknowledging the source of all that you believe in. This not only makes you a more effective and competent believer, but it makes you a more spiritually balanced individual. When you become a believer and become a strong believer, you will realize that it is much easier to walk through life — both as a believer and an individual — having a firm and unshakeable grasp on the truths of God. That’s because you are a person deeply connected to God — to His word.
O Provides For A More Civilized Society — You will begin to understand that all individuals share a common bond — that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. When you join up with others in a religious community, you will discover that you have a common enemy, which is the devil. But instead of warring against him, you are working together to defeat the forces that want to destroy everything that you stand for. In doing so, you will also learn that it is those who wish to tear down our societies that are the worst forces against humanity. When you are able to put aside your differences and stand side-by-side with others against the common enemy, you will see that you have a host of benefits.
O Education — When you do your teaching in an Islamic school, you are given more time to educate. Teachers in any Islamic institution are allowed to spend a lot of time with their students. In fact, they are expected to spend more time with their students — and when you are teaching in an Islamic school, you will be given more time to teach. This is because the teacher spends the majority of time with his students, so he knows their minds and how to make them better. He can guide them in the right direction.
O Helps Build You stronger in Body and Mind — When you are strong in mind, you are less likely to be weak in body. The opposite is true. Prayer strengthens your body, so when you are able to pray, you are able to keep your body strong. It helps you to stay away from things that may weaken you, such as excessive alcohol or drugs. So, when you are strong in your body, you will be less likely to be weak in spirit.
O Helps builds self-confidence — One of the best benefits of prayer in Islam is that it helps build self-confidence. When you feel good about yourself — you will not only feel good about others, but you will be able to attract others to you. When you are surrounded by people who look up to you for your success, you will become successful in your own life. You will become more successful at work and in your personal relationships. So, when you are praying, you have a sense of pride and you become confident.